Observations on the book of jonah chapter 3

Jonah 3 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. One of the great lessons of jonah s failure and forgiveness is that god can continue to use those who return to him. We hear from jonah himself that god is merciful and compassionate, slow to become angry, and rich in faithful love. Listen to chuck swindolls overview of jonah in his audio message from the classic series gods masterwork. Jonah 1 new american standard bible nasb jonah s disobedience. Jonah 3 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. Observation is not just seeing but perceiving what one sees, so that one becomes mentally. The name jonah means dove in hebrew, but jonah s character is anything but dovelike. Used by permission of tyndale house publishers, inc.

Bible observation text worksheets beloved truth international. The book of jonah is listed among the minor prophets, but jonah is. Unfortunately, gods grace and mercy is set against jonah himself, who is a walking illustration of judgment and unforgiveness. Obbie beal on jonah 3 individually or collectively, our evilways anger jehovah god to the degree that it could be the last chance we will get. Notice the sharp contrast between the two main characters the prophet. Jonah s experiences form the main contents and purpose of the book. The entire assyrian nation who, as recorded in the notes of chapter 1 were known. And jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights. In chapter 1, jonah simply sought to withdraw from gods service, but in chapter 4, jonah attacks god, persisting that it is his right to be angry with him. Holy bible, new living translation 1996, 2004, 2007, 2015 by tyndale house foundation. In this section, you read the text and make observations on what is being said. The incidentals in the book of jonah are the fish, the gourd, the east wind, the boat, and even the city of nineveh. Assyria looming power in the north that would eventually take israel into. Jonah 3 commentary commentary critical and explanatory.

Jonah is the only prophet actually sent by god to preach repentance in a foreign land. First is gods grace shown to his prophet, jonah, by extending him a second chance after his flagrant rebellion in chapter 1. Observation describes the act of taking notice, fixing the mind upon, beholding with attention and as used in science includes the idea of making and recording ones findings, a skill certainly applicable to fruitful inductive study of the scriptures. Modern scholars are divided as to whether jonah composed the prayer during his time in the fish or recorded it later the text does not make it clear, and its not important to make a distinction. So obeying the lord, he goes off to preach, a prophet he is, though smelly and. An exposition, with practical observations, of the book of jonah. Please read our guideline on how to lead a bible study before starting. Jonah was an unwilling prophet given an assignment which he found displeasing. The book of jonah preface those of you who are familiar with the story of jonah and the whale know that jonah hopped a ship heading in the opposite direction when god commanded him to go preach to the ninevites. God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish. When we left jonah at the end of chapter one it is fair to say he was in a slightly sticky situation. Jonah 1 matthew henrys commentary on the whole bible. God was determined to do the work through jonah, so he did not give up on the reluctant prophet.

Now nineveh was a very important citya visit required three days. Jonahs mission renewed, and the command a second time. Their wickedness, as that of nineveh, is a bold and open affront to god. His complaint of gods mercy revealed his rebellious heart 4. Thank god for his grace in 2018, thereby we may get 2nd, 3rd. At the beginning of the story, he is running away from god, and at the end, he is arguing with god. Jonah prayed for salvation in chapter 2, but against the ninevites salvation in chapter 4. Sometimes god will ask you to stay at or go to the place, job. Get up and go to the great city of nineveh, and deliver the message i have given you. Study the bible online using commentary on jonah 3 and more. The following structure is based on a careful analysis of the content of jonah in the hebrew text. Gods ministry to jonah chapter 4 the bible exposition commentary, cook communications, colorado springs, 2002, p.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to turn and run away rather. It is also mentioned ny jesus as a picture of his death and resurrection matthew 12. So, jonah decided to go in the opposite direction, aiming for tarshish probably a place in spain, famous for its ships. The book is replete with irony, wherein much of its humor lies. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. Apr 15, 2018 jonah 2 is packed almost completely with a prayer connected to jonah s experiences while waiting in the belly of the great fish that had swallowed him. Jonah therefore is the only prophet of the ot revealing the grace of god towards the heathen. He chose to flee away from god rather than obey him. Book of jonah overview insight for living ministries.

He urged everyone to truly repent, in the hopes that god would relent, turn from his fierce anger. Studies in the minor prophets jonah messenger to nineveh. Jonah is the only old testament prophet whose ministry is entirely on foreign soil. The book of jonah is narrative history and a prophetic oracle. God never gives up on jonah not when he runs away and not when he sits under a vine. However, to my knowledge this is the first attempt to present an overall literary analysis of the book as a whole. Jonah studies questions for four sessions 3 session 4 jonah and the new testament 1. Jonah had made a serious mistake and suffered serious consequences. Home bible studies the book of jonah questions for discussion jonah. The essentials here are jehovah and jonahgod and manthat is what the book is all about. The people of nineveh are moved to repent, including the king 3. While jonah eventually did what he was asked to do, the book closes with showing jonah as a. Jonah 3, new international version niv the bible app. The book of jonah looks at a prophet who rejected gods call to deliver his word to the people of nineveh.

Jonah was a prophet from the village of gath hepher, located some three miles north of nazareth in lower galilee. The book of jonah is listed among the minor prophets, but jonah is nowhere in this book called a prophet. Rather, they should cover themselves in sackcloth and call out mightily to the lord. Jonah with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Conservative scholars place the writing of the book of jonah before 745 b. Jonah praying chapter 2 for 3 days and 3 nights, jonah was in the belly of the fish. Write whatever comes to your mind and make personal applications, crossreferences to other biblical verses, and anything else that comes to mind. Through some supernatural events, god convinced him to obey and carry out the lords plan.

Apocalypse explained ae 538 11 particulars in the book of jonah are historical, and yet prophetical, involving and representing such arcana, as do all the other historicals of the word. But this book of the bible is not named after a hero jonah is no hero. As you read this chapter you cant help but notice the interplay between god and this heartless prophet. All of nature obeys god in this book but a prophet of god does not. Notice jonahs hard heart even while preaching to nineveh. Literary analysis of jonah chiasmus in jonah has been noted by numerous biblical scholars. The book of jonah demonstrates that ancient peoples who were outside of that mosaic covenant relationship with jehovah were nonetheless accountable to heavens moral law. Now, with regard to the chief reason, jeremiah and isaiah both were doubtless influenced by jonah, especially isaiah who, in full harmony with the inevitable deductions that appear mandatory in the book of jonah, prophesied again and again the rejection of israel and the acceptance of the gentiles into the kingdom of god. Jonah 3 nineveh repents 3 now the word of the lord came to jonah the second time, saying, 2 arise, go to nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which i am going to tell you.

As with chapter 3, grace is a major theme in the book of jonah s final chapter. Now the word of the lord came to jonah the second time, saying, arise, go to nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that i tell you. Aug 30, 2010 in jonah, chapter one, we read a story of rebellion. Jonah 1 nasb jonahs disobedience the word of bible. Ac 1188 2 but then we find a startling, thoughtprovoking passage in. While jonah eventually did what he was asked to do, the book closes with showing jonah as a bitter man. Just like jonah, many spiritual leaders received a second chance to do what god. What parallels can you discern between the actions and attitudes of the characters in the book of jonah including god, and the actions and attitudes of the characters in jesus parable of the. Jonah 3 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on the. The book of jonah is more about god and how great gods love is. The lord takes notice, and relents of the disaster he had intended to bring 3. The book of jonah, written primarily in the third person, does not explicitly name the prophet as the author of his own account, but we have no reason to doubt either the inspiration or the historical veracity of the book.

Life group leader resources on possible observations. Jonah 3 niv bible then the word of the lord came to jonah. All of this changes in chapters 3 and 4, for jonahs preaching and the repentance of nineveh causes jonah to blow his stack and now his sinfulness is seen in its ugliest dimensions. Study guide for jonah 3 by david guzik blue letter bible. We continued our journey through the book of jonah this sunday, and saw god. On the former occasion the specific object of his commission to nineveh was declared. The greatest sermon ever preached jonah 3 frank hart. Had he prayed instead of fleeing from god, he would not have had this harrowing experience. And everyone of them from the greatest to the least obeyed the kings directive. So he went down to joppa, found a ship which was going to tarshish, paid the fare and. Jonah 3 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Jonah chapter 3 coffmans commentary of the new testament.

Simile a direct comparison of two things that are essentially different. It may be observed, that he does not put their hope of not perishing, or of. The story of jonah is among the most exciting stories in the bible. This time jonah obeyed the lords command and went to nineveh. This book is different from the other prophetic books because it tells the story of the prophet and does not center on his prophecies. He was gods instrument to carry out gods will on earth. Jehovah looked down upon nineveh and observed the wickedness of these people jon. It had conviction, confession, contrition, and intercession. Today, as we turn our attention to chapter three of the book of jonah, we find a story of revival.

Read text jonah went to nineveh and declared gods word to the people. Jonah 3 jonah preaches repentance in nineveh, the city repents a. But it displeased jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. The essentials here are jehovah and jonah god and manthat is what the book is all about. Now the lord had arranged for a great fish to swallow jonah. Jonah is commanded to go east to nineveh but flees toward the westernmost possible point, only to be swallowed by a great fish and dumped back at this starting point 2.

Chapter 2 is jonahs prayer of thanksgiving prayed from the belly of the. Key personalities include jonah, the captain and the ships crew and the people of nineveh. And it was in the sense that he was speaking to god. The purpose of this book is to show that god is a merciful and gracious god. Conservative scholars place the writing of the book of jonah before 745. You will also remember how god provided jonah with a living submarine to get him back where he belonged. This book of jonah, though it be placed here in the midst of the prophetical books of scripture, is yet rather a history than a prophecy. The lord had given a specific great fish a new task swallow jonah. His making use of us is an evidence of his being at peace with us. Questions for discussion jonah the living word library. The only prophetic message that jonah announced was the one about the coming judgment over nineveh jonah 1. In chapter 1 jonah was commanded by god to go to nineveh, where he was to cry.

Today the village of gath hepher is known as mash had. T he book of jonah is an old testament story which tells about how the prophet jonah refused to follow the lord. In fact, only one verse summarizes his message to the people of nineveh 3. This was strange, because usually the preacher is pleased when the congregation repents, but jonah wasnt. Bible observation text worksheets free bible text observation worksheets we use these for observing and marking the text in inductive bible study to print we have observation worksheets in the landscape format, too, for those who like extra room for notes. Summaryas soon as jonah s proclamation reached ninevehs king, he began mourning, and proclaimed that every man and beast in the land should refrain from eating food or drinking. Chapter 3 tells the story of god calling jonah a second time to go to nineveh. When i read the third and fourth chapters of the book of jonah, i get that same feeling that i had when i observed our cat stalking hehaw. This brief chapter of ten verses tells of the renewal of jonah s commission, his obedient response, his preaching the word god had commanded, and the remarkable repentance of the ninevites. In response, the people turned wholeheartedly to god.

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